‘We work, We play, We care, We pray’

Remote Learning

As a school, we have decided to use the learning platform ClassDojo as our main way to communicate with you and for home learning. This learning platform is available on all smart phones and tablets as an app, but can also be accessed on a laptop or desktop computer. 

To find out how to get started, please click here.

ClassDojo is designed to protect your privacy and security, and give you control over your information. This is fundamental to their mission, and their business. Here are their promises to you:

  • We don’t share any of your information or students’ information with advertisers or marketers.
  • We don’t own anything you add to ClassDojo: you do.
  • Students’ portfolios are private to the classroom.
  • We use the latest security best practices to protect you at all times.
  • We are compliant with COPPA, FERPA, and GDPR in Europe.
  • We will notify you if we make any changes to our practices.

If school is closed, daily lessons will be sent directly to each year group using our Class Dojo. Please contact the school office if you are having any difficulty accessing this. Teachers will be uploading video lessons and tasks for your child to complete directly to the App. Work can be uploaded and teachers will respond to pupils learning. 

If school is open and your child is sent home to isolate, then Mrs Cullen, the Remote Learning Lead, will upload prepared age-appropriate work on the relevant page of ClassDojo.

Files to Download

Student Login