Our Science Curriculum
St Paul’s C.E. Primary School
Science Curriculum Statement 2022 – 2023
At St Paul’s we strive for excellence in education by providing our children with a Science curriculum that encourages them to explore and appreciate the world we live in. Our curriculum is accessible for all learners. It encourages a positive attitude to learning based on curiosity and discovery, extending children’s scientific knowledge and vocabulary so that they have a deeper scientific understanding of the world we live in. Science is an important and valued subject because it is highly relevant; an integral part of daily life, from cooking and checking the weather, to recycling and nature walks. Through science, our lives are changed for the better. We believe all pupils should be taught about the role that science plays in positive advancements, as well as scientific knowledge, methods and processes. Advances in science are continuing to transform our world at lightning speed and we need to do our best to prepare our pupils for a future we can only imagine. We aim to provide all children with the skills and knowledge to achieve at least the age related expectation in Science.
Science is taught through thematic units. The Satellite View maps out which thematic units feature this subject and clearly shows the objectives taught. Science is taught through working scientifically (involving practical investigation, observation and application skills, enquiry and research) alongside specific taught subject knowledge. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom.
What do we learn about in Science?
‘Learning Means the World’ Curriculum
We learn about:-
Animals, including humans
Seasonal changes
Living things and their habitats
Light and heat
Forces and magnets
Earth and space
Evolution and inheritance
In EYFS, children begin to explore their immediate environment by making observations and recording their findings.
Children develop a love for science and continue to develop this throughout their time with us and take their passion into secondary education and as lifelong learners. Children are aware of the possibilities for a career in science as a result of our community links and connection with national agencies such as the STEM Association. All children make good progress and achieve at least age expected standard in Science.