‘We work, We play, We care, We pray’

Dates for the Year

Please find a list of dates for the whole school year attached.





Monday 16th September

Reception Class Reading Meeting for Parents 3.00pm

Wednesday 25th September

Flu vaccinations 9.00am

Thursday 26th September

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon 2.30pm onwards

Wednesday 2nd October

Year 1 Reading Breakfast for children and parents/carers 8.00am onwards

Friday 4th October

Harvest service in church 9.30am

Tuesday 8th October

Early Years Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 9th October

Early Years Parents’ Evening

Thursday 10th October

Phase 1 Film Night 3.30pm onwards (Y1,2,&3)

Thursday 17th October

Year 6 assembly for parents 9.10am

Thursday 17th October

Phase 2 Film Night 3.30pm onwards (Y4,5&6)

Friday 18th October

Last Day before half term

Monday 28th October

Return to school

Tuesday 29th October

Individual Photographs 9.00am onwards

Friday 1st November

Milk bottles will be sent home to collect loose change

Thursday 7th November

Eco Coffee Afternoon in the school hall 2.30pm onwards

Friday 8th November

School remembrance service

Monday 11th November

Poppies & Poetry dance workshop

Friday 15th November

Children in Need Day

Thursday 21st November

Year 5 parents invited into class

Thursday 21st November

EYFS open evening for prospective parents (Nursery and Reception) 4.30pm

Wednesday 27th November

Year 3 assembly for parents 9.10am

Monday 2nd December

Nursery Christmas Tree Decorating - parents invited into class.

Monday 2nd December

Reception parents invited into class

Monday 2nd December

Non-Uniform day – please bring a bottle for the tombola

Tuesday 3rd December

Christmas Fair

Tuesday 10th December

Pantomime in school – Beauty & the Beast

Thursday 12th December

Christmas Competition entries to be in school.

Thursday 12th December

Nursery & Reception Nativity production for parents 9.30am

Thursday 12th December

Christmas Jumper Day

Friday 13th December

Christmas Church Service

Friday 13th December

Year 1 parents invited into class in the afternoon

Tuesday 17th December

Year 1 & 2 & 3 Nativity performance for parents 9.30am

Wednesday 18th December

Last day of school before Christmas holidays

Monday 6th January

Return to school

Tuesday 14th January

Year 6 Parents invited into class afternoon

Monday 3rd February


Wednesday 5th February


Thursday 6th February

Year 3 parents invited into class 9.00am onwards


Reception Class Assembly 9.10am


Year 5 Class Assembly 9.10am

Wednesday 12th February

Year 2 Assembly for parents 9.00am

Friday 14th February

Last day of school before half term

Monday 24th February

Return to school

Monday 3rd March

Dance Workshop

Thursday 6th March

World Book Day

Monday 10th March

Parents’ Evening Y1 - 6

Tuesday 11th March

Parents’ Evening Y1 - 6

Thursday 20th March

Egg decoration entries to be in for this date

Monday 24th March

Non Uniform Day – bring chocolate

Tuesday 25th March

Easter Fair 3.40pm – 4.30pm

Wednesday 2nd April

Year 2 parents into class PM

Friday 4th April

Last day of school before Easter holidays

Tuesday 22nd April

Return to school

Friday 25th April

Easter Church Service 9.30am

Monday 28th April – Thursday 1st May

Book Fair after school in the hall

Monday 5th May

Bank Holiday – school closed

Wednesday 7th May

Year 4 assembly for parents 9.10am

Friday 9th May

School Council Breakfast (for all families and friends of St Paul) 8.00am onwards

12th May – 16th May

Year 6 SATS week

Friday 23rd May

Last day of school before half term

Tuesday 3rd June

Return to school after half term

19th June – 13th June

Phonics Screening Check for Year 1

Tuesday 10th June


Wednesday 11th June

Sports’ Day


Reception parents invited into class (time TBC)

Wednesday 18th June

New Nursery Parents’ Meeting (no children) 4.30pm

Thursday 19th June

New Reception Parents’ Meeting (no children) 4.30pm

Friday 27th June

Transition day (whole school) and new Nursery and Reception children invited in to meet their teacher and explore their classrooms.

Tuesday 1st July

Year 4 parents invited into class 9.00am onwards

Monday 14th July

Non Uniform Day – bring a bottle

Monday 14th July

Awards’ Assembly 9.10am (invites will be sent out)

Tuesday 15th July

Music assembly for parents AM

Tuesday 15th July

Summer Fair 3.30pm onwards in the hall

Friday 18th July

Summer church service 9.30am

Tuesday 22nd July

Year 6 Leavers’ Performance for parents 9.30am




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