‘We work, We play, We care, We pray’

Attendance Information


Our School Attendance Target is

97% for every child.


Please help us reach our target!


Last year our attendance was 94.6% for the year.


What School will do:

School will monitor the attendance of all children regularly.

School will telephone or text home if no reason has been given for the absence. School will record this.

School will work with Parents/Carers to ensure children have good attendance.

The Children and Families Officer, members of the Senior Leadership Team and our Education Welfare Officer, will have responsibility for monitoring and discussing attendance with Parents/Carers.

All children with an absence period of 3 days or longer will be required to provide medical evidence.


What Parents should do:

Telephone/email the school on the FIRST DAY of your child’s absence to let us know why your child is not in school.

Send in a letter with your child on the day of return after an absence. All children with an absence period of 3 days or longer will be required to provide medical evidence.

If your child has an appointment please show the appointment card to the school office BEFORE the appointment. Your child should return to school as soon as possible after the appointment. Where possible all appointments should be made for the start/end of the school day.


Every day missed from school has an impact on your child’s learning. How well is your child doing?

100% - no missed sessions …. Well done!

97.5% - missed 10 sessions which is 5 days (1 week)

95% - missed 19 sessions which is 9.5 days (nearly 2 weeks)

92.5% - missed 28 sessions which is 14 days (nearly 3 weeks)

90% - missed 38 sessions which is 19 days (nearly 4 weeks)

85% - missed 57 sessions which is 28.5 days (nearly half a term)

80% - missed 76 sessions which is 38 days (nearly 8 weeks)


90% attendance over 5 years is the same as your child missing half a year of school.


Term Time Holidays:

Holidays within TERM TIME will not be authorised at St. Paul’s C.E. Primary School. Holidays taken in term time will result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued.

Leave of absence in term time will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

All requests for leave of absence in term time should be made on the form available from the school office.






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